Friday, April 16, 2010

Fantasy: Finnikin of the Rock

When Finnikin was born, he was already privileged. Son of the Captain of the Royal Guard, friend of the prince and princesses, his childhood was perfect. All he wanted was to grow up to protect the future king, just like his father.

But in 5 short days, the kingdom of Lumatere is shattered. The Royal family is slaughtered, an imposter seizes the throne, and many of Lumatere's citizens, including Finn, are locked outside the kingdom by a blood curse.

For years, Finnikin has wandered the continent seeking justice and protection for his exiled people. They live in sordid refugee camps, rife with illness and choked with filth. Every exile holds in their heart a desperate wish to return home: but nobody knows how to break the curse, and open the magically sealed borders of Lumatere again.

When Finnikin and his mentor meet Evanjalin, and novice of the Goddess Lagrami, they are shocked when she claims to be able to lead them to Prince Balthazar, presumed dead all these years. But Evanjalin has an agenda of her own: she lies and schemes to accomplish some end that Finnikin can't make out. It's clear that Evanjalin loves Lumatere, and that she too wants to return home: but how can he trust her, with her wild claims of sleepwalking inside the dreams of the Lumaterans inside the wall? How can he trust a girl who won't tell him even the simplest details of her past? Even as he falls in love with Evanjalin's courage and strength, how can he allow her to lead the exiles to what might be their doom?

Finnikin must find his faith, and untwist the tangled strands of the past in order to regain his kingdom. And to gain redemption for Lumatere, he and the other Lumaterans must confront their darkest, most shameful history.

Grades 11 and up
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public Library's catalogue!

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