Monday, February 15, 2010


New author Malinda Lo has written a haunting, atmospheric fairy tale based loosely on the Cinderella story. Ash is angry and confused when her merchant father remarries soon after her mother dies. To console herself, Ash spends time at her mother's grave, despite the local greenwitch's warnings. "They will come for her!" cautions Solanya, and Ash knows that "they" are the faeries who have lived in the wood since time began. Sure enough, they do come for Ash; but she is too young for the mysterious Sidhean, who sends her back to her dreary life.

When Ash's father also dies, the teenage girl is uprooted from her childhood home and village, and made a servant to her stepmother and stepsisters in the city. Torn between the mysterious and seductive world of faerie and a startling new friendship with the King's Huntress, Ash unwittingly bargains her soul for the one thing that could keep her from willingly leaving the mortal world: love. At the end, this fairy tale has a fresh, sweet love story between Ash and the huntress Kaisa. After finding her heart, Ash must discover a way to fulfill her bargain with the dangerous Sidhean, while being true to the only person in the city who sees her for who she really is.

Grades 9-12
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public Library's catalogue!

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