Fantasy is a new genre for author Frances Hardinge. In this book, she's created a detailed and original world where some people are born with the ability to send their senses outwards. These people are revered as oracles, and called The Lost.
Arilou is one of these lost, or so everyone believes. Her sister, Hathin, is Arilou's attendant: it's her job to keep Arilou safe and happy while her senses wander the world. Both girls belong to a native tribe that is feared and oppressed by the ruling colonists: a clear parallel is drawn between British colonialism here, and all the usual stereotypes apply (stiff-necked, overly proper and ignorant colonials rule over the wise indigenous tribes)
The stereotype might be an old one, but Hardinge uses it to good effect. Her indigenous people are particularly original: Hathin's tribe (known as the Lace) have unique and interesting customs, including smiling all the time (even when deeply unhappy or stressed). Add in a couple of truly evil antagonists, and things get really interesting.
Tensions between the Lace and the colonials come to a head when the Lost of the island seems to be murdered, invisibly, all at once: only Arilou escapes, together with Hathin. The rest of the book is spent unraveling a sinister, island wide conspiracy, where telling friend from foe is difficult, and uncovering a path that leads to a better future seems impossible.
Grades 6-10
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