Monday, June 29, 2009

Romance: TheSummer I Turned Pretty

Jenny Han has written a light, sweet romance that's just perfect for summer beach reading. Belly has been going to the beach house her entire life. Her summers have always been one long expanse of sand, surf, family...and Conrad.

Belly has love Conrad forever, but he's always been too busy to pay any attention to her. He's either romping with his brother Jeremiah (Belly's special friend and first kiss) or helping Belly's brother Steven pick on her.

But this summer, Belly's 15 and something's changed. Not only do Jeremiah and Conrad both pay attention to her, but she meets her first boyfriend at the yearly bonfire, and discovers what it's like to grow into herself. There's love, fighting, forgiveness, sadness and the joy of moving on, all packed into this quick read.


Grades 8-11

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