Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Science Fiction: Pretties

This book is the middle volume of a trilogy by Scott Westerfield. In this sequel to Uglies, Tally Youngblood has all but forgotten her previous life as a teenage renegade. The surgery that made her and all her friends into physically mindless Pretties has made her content to enjoy a carefree life of pleasure...almost.

Tally can't shake the feeling that something is missing, so when a mysterious stranger from the Big Smoke gives her some pills that he says will "cure" her, she splits them with her boyfriend Zane. Her choice propels her and Zane into a headlong flight, as they discover that their beauty and life of pleasure come at a terrible price.

Science Fiction
Grades 7-12
Click here to go to the Port Moody Public Library's catalogue.

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